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Public Art and Installation Work.

Toowoomba Qld

Public art project for the Toowoomba Flower Festival. Toowoomba hit by an immense draught and because of that the flower festival had to be cancelled due to water shortages. Instead of the flower festival the locals  proposed a sculpture show in the garden for that period time. The topic was water shortage. This sculpture made out of plastic buckets symbolically referring to that the city does not have the need for these objects anymore. These objects, buckets had a new form of usage creating an art work.

Prince Charles Hospital Brisbane.

This sculpture made for the Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane as a memorial for babies whom died of various heart conditions at birth. The sculpture symbolically offering hope for the parents by suggesting that the child spirit claiming up towards something unknown to us, a higher continuation, spirit world or Good itself.

Kings Beach Caloundra Qld.

Stainless Steel art work representing the local culture history and fauna.


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